Anyone who knows me even the slightest bit can imagine my state of mind while taking these photos. This place is heaven. I have never seen so many models of square riggers in one place before. There were paintings of naval battles, fully rigged and armed three-decker First Rates, sextants, surgeon's chests, officer's uniforms, weather- and battle-worn flags and pendants, naval insignia, maps (including the oldest map to include the Americas--see the third picture), portraits of admirals, replications of captain's cabins, guns, swords, brass 9-pounders, naval treaties, ah it goes on an on!! I ran into Marissa and Charlotte from my group at the museum and they just laughed when they saw my face. I was not to be disturbed while in my natural habitat.
As I said: my heaven.
Our group then went to el Museo Reina Sofia and saw all the cool modern art. Usually there is a full exhibit of Dali but it is on exhibit in Barcelona right now and there are only two left in the museum. Seriously sad we didn't get to see them but look at some of the things that are there:
They let us take pictures of everything except the rooms close to Picasso's Guernica. In those rooms were all the political paintings about war, fascism, communism, and death. I have always been fascinated by the Guernica but the real thing is a whole new thing entirely. It's absolutely heartbreaking. I think these rooms were my favorite of all the paintings we've seen this week, and that's saying something.
Of course, it being Friday night in Madrid, we had to go to a club. The thing is, Spaniards follow different schedules than us Americans. They have an early breakfast, a HUGE lunch at 2pm, dinner at 9pm, and then party until 6am. The clubs don't open until 11 and literally no one is there before 1am. One of the largest clubs in Europe is a block from out hotel so we decided to check it out. We got there at about 2am. I got home at 5. We woke up at 7 and drove to a full day of museums in Toledo. Yeah. Spaniards don't sleep. I guess we don't either. Experiences! Yay!